A Letter To My Prince
Photo by Cecilia DeBoucourt
I prayed for you for years. In my conversations with God I went back and forth from hopeful to doubtful as I hit my 30’s. I always knew I wanted to be a mother but I didn’t expect it to happen when it did. Lets just say God has a great sense of humor! I had a feeling you were a boy very early in my pregnancy and when we found out, we both cried tears of joy.
You decided to come two weeks early because you were ready for the world to meet you! The earth stood still when I heard you cry for the first time and nothing in the world seemed to matter but you. We were both happy and scared because you were so tiny and helpless. 5lbs 1 oz, small but mighty! You will not remember the way you looked at me so peacefully seconds after you were born as they laid you on my chest, or the way I whispered “hi mama’s beautiful boy” in your ear. You won’t remember how many moments we spent just staring at you in awe that God blessed us with you. I think both your dad and I say to each other at least 20 times a day “Why is he just so cute!”
You are a pretty chill baby. You love to stare at us and give little smirks every now and then. You HATE having your diaper changed and let out a very mighty cry every time. You love to snuggle on our chest and fall asleep. You already have a baby snore (you definitely got that from your dad). Your fur brother Wesley is very skeptical of you and just sniffs around you but won’t get too close. I am holding out hope that you guys will work out your differences and soon be bestie’s.
I pray you show grace and patience with us because we will make mistakes. We will mess up and let you down a time or two. I promise to lead by example and continue to be the best human I can be for you. I promise to parent you with unconditional love and understanding and give you the freedom to be whoever you are called to be. I already know how powerful you are because of the blood that courses through your body. Your ancestors had strength to survive that I can’t even fathom and that strength is being passed to you! It brings tears to my eyes when I think of the amount of power you possess. 2020 is a year that will go down in History. It has been Hell, but with the hell brings Hope. So many Babies born this year already have so much fight in them! I can only imagine how you and your generation will change this world.
My prayer for you is that you dream outside the lines and turn this world upside down. Your very existence is revolutionary and you already are earth shaker! I am so filled with love and I am grateful to be your mama.