Be Intentional about your Intentions!

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Newsflash Friends.  You do not need permission from anyone!  So many times we get stuck drifting through life waiting for confirmation from someone else instead of just setting the goal and going for it ourself!  That new workout class, traveling to a different country solo or starting the new business just to name a few.    

I set some pretty lofty goals for myself this year and even through Covid19 Virus, I am still on track! I have always had a way of manifesting things into my life but the only reason this happens is because I am very intentional about my intentions.  I decided a long time ago to show up for myself and challenge myself to see if I could do the things I set out to do.  

Write down your goals. 

You are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down.  I can not express how important this is. Writing down goals is a way to lay the foundation for your future. It forces you to be clear with what you want and see the things you need to do to order your steps!   My life shifted drastically when I started writing goal letters to myself that included my hopes and dreams.  In 2013 I wrote a notebook of 100 goals  I wanted to achieve in my lifetime with dates and deadlines for each.  I read the goals aloud each night for 3 weeks. I meditated and visualized myself achieving each one.  In 2016, I moved to a new apartment and when I was packing, I found the notebook.  Let me just say I was dreaming too small.  In 3 years I accomplished more than 50% of the goals I thought would be my lifetime goals!  I sat there in tears because I could not believe how much I accomplished.   I was intentional when I wrote everything down. I was intentional when I meditated on them.  These things became a part of my DNA and there was no doubt in my mind that I could not achieve them.  

Be consistent.  

You want to grow your instagram following? It won’t grow if you post once a month. Want to start eating healthier? One good meal a week will not do you justice! Understanding why consistency is so important can help you develop discipline to carry out tasks in order to achieve better outcomes for the future!  It is like a muscle, meaning you have to work it in order for it to get stronger!  A lot of times we fail because we are not consistent.  I am not talking one or two weeks of staying consistent. I am talking about years of staying the course.  Most times when you are not consistent it is because there is a lack of focus and clarity on what you want. In other words, you can’t be consistent if you don’t even know what you are being consistent about!  Building consistency builds a higher level of trust with yourself and also creates accountability with yourself! Making a schedule helps you stay on track. Take time to schedule! I didn’t realize how important this was. Once I set aside time to schedule out task, things became easier because I actually made the time to schedule it. If you are not consistent, chances are you will become frustrated and give up on the goal.  

Guys... You might fail.  Guess what, it's okay.  I wouldn’t be where I was today if I didn't fail. I have heard A LOT of no’s but hearing no has been great motivation to keep pushing. If you fall off, its okay! Just pick it right back up! 

We all have choices. It is up to you to make the choice every single day to be intentional and  show up for yourself.   The words you speak over your life are powerful.  At any moment, you can decide to rewrite your life and add chapters you never thought were imaginable!  When you set out with goals in mind and are committed to the task, you are setting yourself up to succeed!  

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